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      Resolution Chapel's information site for

Stress Affect Resolution
a curative procedure for post traumatic stress disorder


You lost yourself in the trauma....

We can bring you back!      


Can PTSD be Cured?

Cures are for physical diseases. PTSD is not a disease, it is a spiritual affliction. PTSD is not something that happened, or is happening, to you, it is you still living your reaction to what happened. We help you terminate that.

We have identified several functions of consciousness that are relevant to how people seem to change because of stressful situations. PTSD is the result of errors in a number of those functions. More information on this point is available in our "What is PTSD?" FAQ.

Years of research, development, and application have yielded the integrated question-asking procedure now known as Stress Affect Resolution. The questions are precise and must be phrased and asked in a particular manner. The consulting environment must be secure, safe, and absolutely private; the client must feel safe and be assured that what he or she says and discovers will never be revealed.

The happy surprise for most clients is that the simple process of accurately directing their attention into the factors comprising their trauma-generated errors causes the resulting unwanted conditions to dissolve.

Given that PTSD is the result of reversible errors of consciousness, Yes, it can be "cured".

What is PTSD?
PTSD means Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We have discovered...  more

Can PTSD be cured?
Cures are for physical diseases. PTSD is not a disease, it is a spiritual affliction. PTSD is not something that happened, or is happening, to you, it is you still living your reaction to what happened. We help you terminate that.  more

What is a Stress Affect?
An affect is a taken-on or adopted behavior or personality trait. A Stress Affect is an automatic behavior or personality trait that is adopted during an emotionally or physically intense event and which then remains in place, driven by residual force from the event.  more

What is
Stress Affect Resolution?

"SAR" is a precisely-designed question-guided introspection that systematically dissolves PTSD by dismantling the underpinnings of the stress affects involved in an individual's case.  more

How was this discovered?
It began with an accident. In 1968 the eventual developer of SAR had a very surprising detailed conversation with a soldier who had been injured in Vietnam, leaving him with Traumatic Brain Injury / Amnesia. When the soldier's memory unexpecteldy returned during the conversation...  more

How long does it take?
A matter of hours!  more

Can you give examples?
Yes:  Read on!  More?

What do I do?
Make the decision and reach out!

How can I help?
We are Donor Funded: Donate -Thanks!

Press Releases
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ASC Missions Group, ntc. All Rights Reserved.

ResolutionChapel.Org is a non-indoctrinaire counseling Mission of ASC Misssions Group, ntc.
ASC Missions Group, ntc. is a tax-exempt pan-denominational Ecclesiastical Trust per IRC 501(c) and 508(c), EIN 91-2049111