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Stress Affect Resolution
a curative procedure for post traumatic stress disorder


You lost yourself in the trauma....

We can bring you back!      


What is PTSD?

PTSD means Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We have discovered that PTSD cannot be successfully defined without first reopening and settling a more fundamental but studiously-ignored issue.
Is a person merely a complex physical organism capable of mental processes?
Or is one a spiritual being more appropriately identified as non-physical consciousness?
Maybe it's enough to bring that issue closer to real-world terms.
Is PTSD, as the medical community seems to be saying, a vague collection of haphazard psychological symptoms with no cure?
Or is it a very real spiritual problem that can be resolved at the spiritual level?
The answers to these questions lead to very different destinations. We think of them as the humanist and the spiritual orientations.

The Humanist Orientation: Genes, Brains and Chemistry

The more well-known perspective is that of humanist medicine. By humanist medicine, we mean a medical or psychiatric approach that is oriented only to the body. This approach views consciousness as a symptom of the brain, and all mental illness and psychological discomfort as having a physical cause. Humanist medicine looks almost exclusively at brain chemistry, genetic information, and observed behavioral manifestations in its search for the causes of psychological problems.

The National Institutes of Health Definition
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) noun: a psychological reaction that occurs after experiencing a highly stressing event (as wartime combat, physical violence, or a natural disaster) outside the range of normal human experience and that is usually characterized by depression, anxiety, flashbacks, recurrent nightmares, and avoidance of reminders of the event; called also delayed-stress disorder, delayed-stress syndrome, post-traumatic stress syndrome; compare 'combat fatigue'.
Note that the NIH does not speak of cures, only of feeling better. Note also that they and similar information resources stress that not everyone gets it, or gets it the same way, or shows the same symptoms, even if they went through the same experience.

The humanist approach, oriented as it is to the incredibly complex structures of the brain and DNA, is largely dependent upon unproven theories and intricate experimentation with adjusting the victim's physical and emotional aspects in its quest for a cure. Presently, and into the foreseeable future, this approach does not have a cure for so-called mental illnesses or disorders. In the interim, with no proven idea as to the causes of such things, psychological and medical practitioners have been limited to palliatives: interim or substitute treatments which serve to relieve, lessen or alleviate without curing.

Unfortunately, to date the humanist approach has resulted only in palliatives, usually in the form of environmental adjustments, conversation, and drugs. (A palliative is intended only to lessen symptoms rather than to cure or terminate the problem.)

The Spiritual Orientation: Consciousness and Self-definition

The second is the spiritual perspective. We view a person as a spiritual being who possesses, or maybe even is, an independent consciousness that transcends mere self-awareness. And we look primarily to the discernable functions of that consciousness to understand what is going on in an individual's life. We find that sometimes the person makes the mistake of adapting to sudden, unhappy or disorienting events rather than simply experiencing them and moving on.

An alternative Spiritual Definition
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) noun: (more accurately, Stress Affect Disruption (SAD)) a behavioral shift that manifests after experiencing a highly stressing event (as wartime combat, physical violence, or a natural disaster) outside the range of expected experience, etc., resulting from the misapplication of a majority of the consciousness functions that determine personal identity and behavior.
This spiritual approach has proven far more simple than the humanist. Better yet, it indicates a more approachable non-medical way to terminate the emotional symptoms and skewed behaviors of PTSD through a precisely structured method of spiritual counseling: Stress Affect Resolution.


The differences between humanist medicine and the spiritual approach are huge. We might begin with their directly opposed initial assumptions:
  • humanist medicine believes that psychological distress is caused by disruptions or defects in the physical body;

  • the spiritual view is that disruptions and defects in the physical body are caused by misdirected spiritual expectations.
This is a simple question of body-over-mind vs mind-over-body! Given such a meaningful set of opposites, the investigative path indicated by each must be expected to diverge widely from the other, and their resulting curative objectives and methodologies should be expected to differ significantly.

Next we might review their definitions.

  • The NIH humanist medicine definition is not a definition at all. It does not speak so much to causation as it merely describes after-effects. But then, that is what a disorder or syndrome is: a list of associated unhappy symptoms and a description of common circumstances, but no explanation as to how any of it happens. Still, these are offered as medical diagnoses for which counseling is offered and drugs are prescribed. This is shooting into the dark; it is not unreasonable to question the wisdom of that.

  • Our spiritual definition declares a specific causal mechanism that precisely defines PTSD in a concise manner. It also states why PTSD happens and indicates a successful path to a cure: Stress Affect Resolution.
Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, we will no longer hear official declarations made from the misguided belief that there is no cure for PTSD.

Meanhile, Stress Affect Resolution has shown positive results in every case to which it has been applied, and delivered full Resolution of every case with which it was taken to completion.

What is PTSD?
PTSD means Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We have discovered...  more

Can PTSD be cured?
Cures are for physical diseases. PTSD is not a disease, it is a spiritual affliction. PTSD is not something that happened, or is happening, to you, it is you still living your reaction to what happened. We help you terminate that.  more

What is a Stress Affect?
An affect is a taken-on or adopted behavior or personality trait. A Stress Affect is an automatic behavior or personality trait that is adopted during an emotionally or physically intense event and which then remains in place, driven by residual force from the event.  more

What is
Stress Affect Resolution?

"SAR" is a precisely-designed question-guided introspection that systematically dissolves PTSD by dismantling the underpinnings of the stress affects involved in an individual's case.  more

How was this discovered?
It began with an accident. In 1968 the eventual developer of SAR had a very surprising detailed conversation with a soldier who had been injured in Vietnam, leaving him with Traumatic Brain Injury / Amnesia. When the soldier's memory unexpecteldy returned during the conversation...  more

How long does it take?
A matter of hours!  more

Can you give examples?
Yes:  Read on!  More?

What do I do?
Make the decision and reach out!

How can I help?
We are Donor Funded: Donate -Thanks!

Press Releases
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ASC Missions Group, ntc. All Rights Reserved.

ResolutionChapel.Org is a non-indoctrinaire counseling Mission of ASC Misssions Group, ntc.
ASC Missions Group, ntc. is a tax-exempt pan-denominational Ecclesiastical Trust per IRC 501(c) and 508(c), EIN 91-2049111